Cabin Owners
Real Estate Agents, Overnight Rentals, Resorts, & Developers
Virtual tours and 360-degree panoramas allow visitors to your site to view a property or real estate at any time from anywhere in the world. The potential home-buyer, renter, or real estate investor can view the property without constraints of showing times and appointments.
- Real Estate For Sale
- Overnight Rentals
- Hotels
- Retail Shop
- Showroom Floor
- Real Estate Development
- Tourist Attractions
- Scenic Websites
Ray Of Light Media can produce an exciting and interactive virtual tour for your business or property. With hotspots within the image as well as an interactive map or floor-plan, visitors will have a new insight into your property not available with other virtual tour software. We can even add music or voice-overs, as well as add you or your spokesperson as a video, right into the scene of your virtual tour. Virtual tours can be placed onto your web-site, or hosted on ours for you. You may even request your virtual tour on a self-executable CD-ROM. Now optimized for mobile devices, even iOS & Android!
Signing up is EASY!
Ray Of Light Media will coordinate with your Property Manager to photograph &
create the tour, then add a link to it from your property page. Once completed, you can place it on your personal web
site if you like. If you do not have a website, we can host the virtual tour on our servers
for you.
You simply pay the initial fee, plus a yearly fee of $50 for
high-bandwidth hosting if you require it.
Our tours work with all browsers, including Android & iOS (iPad & iPhone)
Take a look at just a few samples:
Stardust Mountain |
Blue Mist Cottage |
Secret Hideaway |
Bayou Bliss (condo) |
Click here to contact us